
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

Welcome to our school. Video presentation project 1ºESO.

Our 1st year ESO students are working in a proyect about the school.  They have a beautiful building with  some fantastic facilities and they will invite you to go On a tour of the school! Vocabulary: education This is a list of vocabulary items related to education Education: The process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this. Educational system: Educational systems are established to provide education and training, often for children and the young. "The educational system in most underdeveloped countries needs to be reformed." Educational goals: Each country identifies the educational goals to be achieved by its educational system. Educational background: Past experience in education. To become an engineer in Electronics you need to have a scientific educational background. School subject: A course or area of study: mathematics, English, French, physics...are school subjects. ...


Learning to live appropriately with others is important in our everyday lives – from life in the school, family and community to the special problems of adolescent relationships. Today, Wednesday 14th November, students and teachers of 1st ESO have lived in our natural surroundings a wonderful day: - Trekking Valle Perdido 7km. - Playing "Gymkhana" - Visitor's centre activities about plants and traditional activities. Learning to live together in the wider society requires awareness of and respect for human rights and the responsibilities of local, national and global citizenship. Learning to live together as responsible citizens can help reduce tensions due to ethnic or other divisions and social disparities which contribute to the instability or civil conflict seen in many nations today.  

Halloween Chemistry

Learning chemistry doesn’t have to be scary. Well, except on Halloween!    Enjoy these spectacularly spooky periodic table elements at our Lab door !!! NUMBER  SYMBOL ENGLISH SPANISH 1 H Hydrogen Hidrógeno 2 He Helium Helio 3 Li Lithium Litio 4 Be Beryllium Berilio 5 B Boron Boro 6 C Carbon Carbono 7 N Nitrogen Nitrógeno 8 O Oxygen Oxígeno 9 F Fluorine Flúor 10 Ne Neon Neón 11 Na Sodium Sodio 12 Mg Magnesium Magnesio 13 Al Aluminum Aluminio 14 Si Silicon Silicio 15 P Phosphorus Fósforo 16 S Sulfur Azufre 17 Cl Chlorine Cloro 18 Ar Argon Argón 19 K Potassium Potasio 20 Ca Calcium Calcio 21 Sc Scandium Escandio 22 Ti Titanium Titanio 23 V Vanadium Vanadio 24 Cr Chromium Cromo 25 Mn Manganese Manganeso 26 Fe Iron Hierro 27 Co Cobalt Cobalto 28 Ni Nickel Níquel 29 Cu Copper Cobre 30 Zn Zinc Zinc 31 Ga Gallium Galio 32 Ge Germanium Germanio 33 As Arsenic Arsénico 34 Se Selenium Selenio 35 Br Bromine Bromo 36 Kr Krypton Kriptón 37 Rb Rub...