Adolescent Gambling Prevention ADICT-LESCENTES PROJECT

IES JOSE PLANES TO PREVENT YOUTH GAMBLING ADDITION ADICTLESCENTES PROJECT Youth gambling addiction is growing. The statistics are alarming. A survey of adolescents found that more than 80 percent of those between 12 and 17 say they have gambled in the last 12 months. More than 35 percent say they gamble at least once a week. Clearly, gambling addiction is not just an adult problem. Murcia is at the top of gambling cities in Spain. TV SHOW "COMANDO ACTUALIDAD" IN OUR SCHOOL TO PROMOTE OUR PROJECT. Gambling can begin very early. Young people begin gambling for purely innocent reasons, often at a very early age and with the endorsement of their parents and family. Afternoon poker games, sports betting and participation in sweepstakes, 50-50 drawings and casino nights provide a “stamp of approval.” Like with alcohol and drugs, young people see people they respect engaged in these activities and deem them to be acceptable. When an opportunity to gamble prese...