The Bilingual Programme wants to join the Project "Healthy Drops" from our School.
We're starting by translating "Drop 52".
How should students start the school day so that they can learn in an easy way? At first, it is always hard until we learn how to do it properly. However, if we do it together, it will be much easier.
If we create a comfortable atmosphere, we will feel better. So, what do we have to do? Look around your desk and write down the things you don't like or those which are not in their right place. Maybe, your classmates will observe the same as you do. The "Healthy drops" team has noticed some situations which seem to be unusual, but shouldn't. Look at the pictures and try to choose the right option.
Let`s start at home.
Organize your schoolbag the previous night. When schoolbags are very heavy, they can cause backache. It shouldn't be heavier than the 10%-15% of your weight. Weigh your school bag. Is it heavier than the 15% of your total weight?
A. Yes, it is. Then, reorganize it.
B. No, it isn't. Right.
You don't have to put in your schoolbag the books and notebooks that you are not using the following day. Arrange it every night.
Next morning, wake up with enough time to have a good and healthy breakfast to avoid one of the following situations:
A. I feel nausea and faint and I think it's because I didn't have my breakfast this morning.
B. I feel good because of the breakfast I had this morning.
Also, you have to prepare your lunch to have at the break. Choose a healthy and tasty sandwich as our #YobocaPlanes
Next, leave school and you will face the following situations among which you have to make a choice.
1. A. We arrive on time
B. We arrive late
2. A. Sweaters, coats an schoolbags are properly placed in the class.
B. They are on the floor.
3. A. My stuff (agenda, books, notebook and pencilcase) is on the table.
B. I forgot some of my belongings at home or I haven't bought them yet.
4. A. The classroom is tidy.
B. The classroom is untidy
5. A. The classroom is dirty.
B. The classroom is neat and clean.
6. A. My back hurts, it is because of the chair!
B. I will sit down properly to avoid backache
And... at last but not least, try to answer your nature's call before coming to school since leaving the classroom during lessons is an exceptional measure. However, if you must leave the class, remember to wear the teacher's card with you. The teacher has to give his or her authorization; otherwise, you will stay inside the classroom with the rest of your classmates.