European The European Week for Waste Reduction

ACTIVITIES IN THE CLASSROOM: FACTS ABOUT WASTE Vocabulary Trash Debris Weight To heat Junk mail Currently Lack of To break down Researcher Questions What are the negative effects of the presence of plastic in the ocean? Why should we reject junk mail in our letterboxes? How can we do it? Can you think of any reasons why food waste has a negative impact on the environment? Why should we drink tap water instead of bottled water if we want to reduce our impact on the environment? How do you feel when you see the pictures of dead seabirds, whales, etc due to plastic in their stomachs? What can we do to reduce the amount of waste we generate? Having access to reliable information about the impact of consumption and waste generation on the environment is an essential precursor to changing one’s behaviour and daily habits surrounding these issues. For EWWR 2019, we c...